Recently on various WhatsApp groups, a bunch of pictures are being shared. It shows repair work on metro line. The false WhatsApp message advises user to avoid MG Road due to Metro Pillar inter-locking joint being dislodged.

WhatsApp Text:

“Metro pillar in MG road inter locking joint dislodged , better avoid the road and metro through that route.”

Images Shared On WhatsApp:

This text and images have created confusion in the mind of Gurugram residents who have received this message on WhatsApp, as there is a metro line on the main arterial road named ‘MG Road’ in Gurugram.

Fact Crescendo team member personally confirmed that in last 2 days, there has not been any issues with the various Metro pillars on MG Road nor has any inter locking joint dislodged, as falsely shared in the WhatsApp text.


Fact Crescendo team did a fact check on this issue.

We found the following:

  • These types of messages are usually shared to create confusion in the minds of readers or just for fun by mischievous people.
  • These images shared are from metro line running near Trinity Circle in Bengaluru, Karnataka.
  • There was some issue’s with metro line at Trinity Station in Bengaluru recently. Business Standard published a report on this issue. You can read it here.
  • Other news media also reported about this issue:

India Today

  • A similar message with false information was viral in Bengaluru last few days; Times Of India (TOI) published a report on it yesterday. Our readers can view it here.

An excerpt from the TOI article:

“The message which is being circulated on WhatsApp reads: Metro pillar on MG road got twisted, better avoid the road and metro through that route.” Source: TOI

  • We also did analysis of the pictures and found that these were taken in Bengaluru not Gurugram:


Fact Crescendo team tags these kinds of messages as Fake.

These kinds of false & misleading messages will be shared across by many people using WhatsApp and other social media applications again & again. But we as readers should be aware of the reality of these kinds of pictures, as to what they really are – just Fake.

Fact Crescendo advises its readers to refrain from falling prey to unsubstantiated & misleading WhatsApp forwards and social media posts. When in doubt, visit various news media & fact checking websites online.

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